Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 15

It is really neat to see everything come together! I am still having trouble with the section of the willow tree (their house). I have already drawn it but I am having a hard time making the space feel like their home. I have to think outside the box! But quite frankly my brain cells feel a little bit fried! But it will work!

Time Log 15

Thursday 12.2.2010
Writting self-evalution, calculating drawing hours, and creating a semster time log.

Friday 12.3.2010  
Rendering/Drawing Uncle Fester's jounery scene

Saturday 12.4.2010
Drawing/Rendering the look out scene

Sunday 12.5.2010
Drawing/Rendering the look out scene

Monday 12.6.2010
Drawing/ Rendering the kitchen scene and the section of their house.

Total Hours:

Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 14

I have a very big Interior Design Project due on Wednesday, and after that I plan on diving into to my drawing work!!!!!!! I am really excited to see the rest of it come together.

Time Log 14

Sunday 11.28.2010
Thinking about and sketching different ideas for Shmoops-see-poo's home.

Monday 11.29.2010
Posting blog

Total Hours:
2hrs. 30mins.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Drawing in the Rain

So this week I sketched out several different options and selected the most visually interesting view/perspective. I then went out side to sketch a tree, leafs and acorns, in my front yard using it as a model for my illustration. It was drizzling a little so there I sat on a towel under the tree with an umbrella so that paper and I would both stay dry! It was quite the experience!   

Time Log 13

I worked on the illustration depicting Uncle Fester's journey to Shmoops-see-poo's house.

Monday :
Posting Blog

Total Hours:
6hrs. 30mins. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 12

It is great to have one illustration practically done, but I need to get moving on the rest of them pronto!