Sunday, August 29, 2010

Time Log 1

Week 1

Thurs. 8/19      2 hrs. Begun typing the story of Chester that I would like to
                                 illustrate and started to re-work the story

Week 2

Mon. 8/23     30 mins. Researched online for inspirational images to draw for Chester

                        1 hr. Sketching images for the story of Chester

                        1 hr. Writing the statement of direction

Fri. 8/27        2 hrs. Worked on drawing the 100 bad drawings

                      30 mins. Brainstormed about what makes a drawing bad

Sat. 8/28       2 hrs. Drawing and rendering the original Winnie the Pooh

                      1 hr. Drawing and rendering the modern Winnie the Pooh

                      30 mins. Researching real life bears online

                      1 hr. 30 mins. Sketching out 5 variations of Winnie the Pooh

Sun. 8/29        2 hrs. Finishing the 100 bad drawings

Total Time

Week 1:   2 hrs.

Week 2:   12 hrs.

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