Monday, September 27, 2010

Having Fun!

I enjoyed working on the Calapitter campfire scene this week. I was able to sit outside by one of my trees in the back yard and imagine where, if I were a calapitter, I would want to roast mashmellow, tell stories, and be warmed by the fire. So I decided to have them sit on a tree root coming from a very unique tree in our backyard. This tree looks like a combo of a cherry blossom and a weeping willow and we call it the cherry willow. This tree also happens to be the tree I am using to sketch their home. I have to look at something when I am drawing for me to really produce a detailed more accurate drawing. I can't wait to add color to the drawing to bring it to life! I am still not sure what colors I want to make each of the Calapitters and I am still experimenting with different ideas.  

This Weeks Progress!


Shmoops in his hammock bed

Staircase in their home

The campfire scene in the story

Time Log 5

Tues. 9.21.10 
Re-reading the story, thinking about different illustration options and sketching them.

Fri. 9.24.10  
Purchasing drawing paper, pencils, and sharpener.

Sat. 9.25.10  
Researching and sketching photographs of inside a tree and spiral stair cases for Shmoops home, sketching the campfire scene.

Sun. 9.26.10   
Experimenting with color for the Calapitter family. Talking with the author about ideas for the characters and different moments she wants captured in the illustration.       

Total Hours: 11hr. 40mins.   

Monday, September 20, 2010

Their home

Shoop-see-poo Lucy-poo (sister)


This week I decided to illustrate the book my mom is currently working on called Shmoop-see-poo the Cal-a-pitter. Its a cute story about a catapiller family who are unique in the sense that they don't turn into butterflies. I thought that this book would be a great one to start with because I can be creative as I want. So for this past week I did a lot of brainstorming about the characters and material I could use to create the illustrations. I am excited about having a direction!

Time Log 4

Date                         Time                     Activity

Thurs. 9/16                30mins                  Selecting a book to illustrate:
                                                              (Shmoop-see-poo the Cal-a-pitter by my mom)
                                        2hrs                      Sketching ideas for the illustration of the
Fri. 9/17                     1hrs 30mins          Talking to the author(my mom) about creating
                                                                     the characters personalities and interests. 
                                     2hrs                      Sketching characters of the story 
Sat. 9/18                    2hrs                      Sketching characters of the story
                                  1hr 30mins            Re-reading the story and brainstorming
                                                                  of different illustrations for the book.
Sun. 9/19                    1hr                       Brainstorming/practicing material
                                                                     usage for illustrations.
Mon 9/20                    1hr                      Posting blog, taking pictures, recording time log.

Total Time:                11hrs 30min                      

Monday, September 13, 2010

Not enough time!

This past week I did not spent nearly enough time on drawing as I wanted! So I hope this coming week will allow me to get more drawing time in, to make up for the lost of this past week. I enjoyed thinking outside of the box for this assignment, and I actually think I spent more time thinking about what I wanted to use and do then I did actually doing it. But now I am look forward to diving into illustration work!

Time Log 3

Date                 Time                   Activity
Wed. 9/8           1hr.                     Brainstorming ideas for the drawing 3 assignment
Thurs. 9/9          30mins.               "                                                                        "
Fri. 9/10             2hrs.                   Creating 3 drawings for assignment 3
Sat. 9/11            2hrs.                   Creating more drawings for assignment 3
Sun. 9/12           2hrs.                    "                                                           "
Mon. 9/13          1hr.                     Posting time log, writing blog, and putting drawings on to a CD

Total Time:       8hrs 30mins.    

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Pooh Sketches 6.9.2010


Struggles and Inspiration

I believe I had artist block this week. I was not sure how to begin illustrating a new Winnie the Pooh bear. So I decided to research classic bear illustrations for inspiration such as Paddington Bear, Little Bear, and Corduroy. It was neat to see how each story used bears as their main characters, but how different each illustrator created the bears. I studied the eyes, noise, snout, and shape of each bear. After researching these bears I began playing with Pooh's features.

Time Log 2

Time Log 2

Date                           Time                              Activity

Sat. 9/4                 1hr. 30mins.               Sketching variations of Pooh

                                 1hr.                            Researching classic bear illustrations

Mon. 9/6             5hrs.                         Sketching variations of Pooh

                               1hr. 30mins.            Drawing "the most boring drawing ever"

                              1hr.                           Posting blog, time log and pictures

Total Time:         10hrs.