Monday, September 20, 2010

Time Log 4

Date                         Time                     Activity

Thurs. 9/16                30mins                  Selecting a book to illustrate:
                                                              (Shmoop-see-poo the Cal-a-pitter by my mom)
                                        2hrs                      Sketching ideas for the illustration of the
Fri. 9/17                     1hrs 30mins          Talking to the author(my mom) about creating
                                                                     the characters personalities and interests. 
                                     2hrs                      Sketching characters of the story 
Sat. 9/18                    2hrs                      Sketching characters of the story
                                  1hr 30mins            Re-reading the story and brainstorming
                                                                  of different illustrations for the book.
Sun. 9/19                    1hr                       Brainstorming/practicing material
                                                                     usage for illustrations.
Mon 9/20                    1hr                      Posting blog, taking pictures, recording time log.

Total Time:                11hrs 30min                      

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