Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 14

I have a very big Interior Design Project due on Wednesday, and after that I plan on diving into to my drawing work!!!!!!! I am really excited to see the rest of it come together.

Time Log 14

Sunday 11.28.2010
Thinking about and sketching different ideas for Shmoops-see-poo's home.

Monday 11.29.2010
Posting blog

Total Hours:
2hrs. 30mins.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Drawing in the Rain

So this week I sketched out several different options and selected the most visually interesting view/perspective. I then went out side to sketch a tree, leafs and acorns, in my front yard using it as a model for my illustration. It was drizzling a little so there I sat on a towel under the tree with an umbrella so that paper and I would both stay dry! It was quite the experience!   

Time Log 13

I worked on the illustration depicting Uncle Fester's journey to Shmoops-see-poo's house.

Monday :
Posting Blog

Total Hours:
6hrs. 30mins. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 12

It is great to have one illustration practically done, but I need to get moving on the rest of them pronto!

Time Log 12

Tuesday 11.9.10
I worked on rendering the campfire scene with marker and color pencil. I also drew in the campfire and lighting bugs. I researched campfires and lighting bugs online and made several study/test drawings before putting them in to the illustration.

Thursday 11.11.10
I continued to render the campfire scene.

Monday 11.12.10
I began to shade the calapitter in the campfire scene. I also began sketching out options for the rest of the illustrations.

Total Hours:
10 hrs.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Method of Presentation

After playing with several different ideas of how to present my drawing I chose one that I thought would work the best. I would like to display each of the illustrations one at a time. So I bought a 12x12 strap hinged scrapbook album that allows me to display each drawing separately. I would like to be able to remove each illustration from the portfolio if need be, so I bought photo corners that will allow me to slide the illustrations in and out. I did not want any sleeve cover protectors over my drawings because I believe that they loose their quality and they can also add glare to the illustrations, so the pages of the scrapbook do not have built in protective sleeves. I did buy some sleeve protectors separately in order to protect the illustrations when being viewed.

Time Log 11

Tuesday 11.2.2010
I sketched out several different variations for the campfire scene and then selected the best and draw it out. I played with adding more character and human sized elements into the illustration.

Thursday 11.4.2010
I began adding color to campfire illustration. I also brain stormed on the method of presentation I want for the final critique.

Friday 11.5.2010
I went shopping for the materials that I want to use to display each of my illustrations for the final critique. I also worked on rendering the campfire scene.

Saturday 11.6.2010
I was able to attend the Greenville open studio event, which was amazing. I had never been inside an actual practising professional artist studio and I was awesome to talk to the artist. It was also helpful see what each of the artist created and what is being created by artist now! 

Total Hours:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 10

I was awesome to work on rendering the night sky and I think it turned out almost how I imagined it. Which is pretty neat. But now that I am almost done with it I think there are some things I would change in the layout of the illustration. There are some empty spaces, so I am contemplating redoing it. It was good I guess for me to practice how I wanted to illustrate it. But I may just continue working on the rest of the drawings and come back to it.

Time Log 10

Tuesday 10.26.2010:
Working on/sketching out the layout and format of my finial presentation.
Saturday 10.30.2010:
Researching illustrated night skies, fireflies, and stars for my campfire scene via the internet and children's books.
Sunday 10.31.2010:
Rendering the campfire scene with marker and color pencil. I focused primarily on the sky.  

Total Hours: