Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 15

It is really neat to see everything come together! I am still having trouble with the section of the willow tree (their house). I have already drawn it but I am having a hard time making the space feel like their home. I have to think outside the box! But quite frankly my brain cells feel a little bit fried! But it will work!

Time Log 15

Thursday 12.2.2010
Writting self-evalution, calculating drawing hours, and creating a semster time log.

Friday 12.3.2010  
Rendering/Drawing Uncle Fester's jounery scene

Saturday 12.4.2010
Drawing/Rendering the look out scene

Sunday 12.5.2010
Drawing/Rendering the look out scene

Monday 12.6.2010
Drawing/ Rendering the kitchen scene and the section of their house.

Total Hours:

Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 14

I have a very big Interior Design Project due on Wednesday, and after that I plan on diving into to my drawing work!!!!!!! I am really excited to see the rest of it come together.

Time Log 14

Sunday 11.28.2010
Thinking about and sketching different ideas for Shmoops-see-poo's home.

Monday 11.29.2010
Posting blog

Total Hours:
2hrs. 30mins.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Drawing in the Rain

So this week I sketched out several different options and selected the most visually interesting view/perspective. I then went out side to sketch a tree, leafs and acorns, in my front yard using it as a model for my illustration. It was drizzling a little so there I sat on a towel under the tree with an umbrella so that paper and I would both stay dry! It was quite the experience!   

Time Log 13

I worked on the illustration depicting Uncle Fester's journey to Shmoops-see-poo's house.

Monday :
Posting Blog

Total Hours:
6hrs. 30mins. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 12

It is great to have one illustration practically done, but I need to get moving on the rest of them pronto!

Time Log 12

Tuesday 11.9.10
I worked on rendering the campfire scene with marker and color pencil. I also drew in the campfire and lighting bugs. I researched campfires and lighting bugs online and made several study/test drawings before putting them in to the illustration.

Thursday 11.11.10
I continued to render the campfire scene.

Monday 11.12.10
I began to shade the calapitter in the campfire scene. I also began sketching out options for the rest of the illustrations.

Total Hours:
10 hrs.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Method of Presentation

After playing with several different ideas of how to present my drawing I chose one that I thought would work the best. I would like to display each of the illustrations one at a time. So I bought a 12x12 strap hinged scrapbook album that allows me to display each drawing separately. I would like to be able to remove each illustration from the portfolio if need be, so I bought photo corners that will allow me to slide the illustrations in and out. I did not want any sleeve cover protectors over my drawings because I believe that they loose their quality and they can also add glare to the illustrations, so the pages of the scrapbook do not have built in protective sleeves. I did buy some sleeve protectors separately in order to protect the illustrations when being viewed.

Time Log 11

Tuesday 11.2.2010
I sketched out several different variations for the campfire scene and then selected the best and draw it out. I played with adding more character and human sized elements into the illustration.

Thursday 11.4.2010
I began adding color to campfire illustration. I also brain stormed on the method of presentation I want for the final critique.

Friday 11.5.2010
I went shopping for the materials that I want to use to display each of my illustrations for the final critique. I also worked on rendering the campfire scene.

Saturday 11.6.2010
I was able to attend the Greenville open studio event, which was amazing. I had never been inside an actual practising professional artist studio and I was awesome to talk to the artist. It was also helpful see what each of the artist created and what is being created by artist now! 

Total Hours:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 10

I was awesome to work on rendering the night sky and I think it turned out almost how I imagined it. Which is pretty neat. But now that I am almost done with it I think there are some things I would change in the layout of the illustration. There are some empty spaces, so I am contemplating redoing it. It was good I guess for me to practice how I wanted to illustrate it. But I may just continue working on the rest of the drawings and come back to it.

Time Log 10

Tuesday 10.26.2010:
Working on/sketching out the layout and format of my finial presentation.
Saturday 10.30.2010:
Researching illustrated night skies, fireflies, and stars for my campfire scene via the internet and children's books.
Sunday 10.31.2010:
Rendering the campfire scene with marker and color pencil. I focused primarily on the sky.  

Total Hours:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sad Week

I planned on grabbing a few hours of drawing here and there in the midst of my crazy week. However my interior design project(that is due on Wednesday!) has consumed my ever moment. I know that is not an excuse, but I do plan on working really hard this week to make up for time lost last week.

Time Log 9

Total Hours: 0 :(

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mid-term Critique

I received some great feed back from the mid-term critique. I love the suggestion about making a one human size community marshmallow to share for the campfire scene instead of individual marshmallows! So incorporating life size human objects could really be a neat aspect of the illustrations. It was also nice to hear that I do not have to meet ADA codes or standards and I can be as creative as I want to be for their home! I needed that! I hope that with this feedback that I will be able to explore those suggestions!

Time Log 8

Monday 10.11.10
I worked on the rendering the campfire scene. I researched illustrations of night time and even went and took a few pictures of  my back yard at night. I began brainstorming how I wanted to capture the night time campfire scene.

Tuesday 10.12.10
I shopped for different colored primacolor markers for my illustrations at the AU bookstore (and tested probably all of the markers offered).
I also worked on rendering the campfire scene. I want to put fireflies in the campfire scene, so I experimented with how to draw and illuminate them. 

Wednesday 10.13.11
Brainstorming possibilities of incorporating human objects (life size) into the illustrations.

Total Hours:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Color Finally

I love to have direction so narrowing down my tasks for illustrating Shmoops-see-poo was relieving. I love to draw from real life inspiration so going outside and studying tree roots was interesting and fun! I also was able to add some color this week. My drawings, up until now, were just sketches so adding splashes of color really helps bring the story to life.

Time Log 7

Saturday 10.9.10
Sketching Smoop-see-poo and Lucy waiting scene

Sunday 10.10.10
Illustrating Family Portraits
Working on waiting scene again
Thinking about ideas for Willow Tree Home scene

Total Hours:

Final Contract

I will be hand illustrating six different scenes for the book Shmoop-see-poo.
1.) The Family Portraits
2.) The Willow Tree Home
3.) Shmoop-see poo and Lucy Waiting
4.) Uncle Fester’s Arrival
5.) Campfire
6.) Breakfast

Once these are complete I will dabble in food/object art by illustrating several scenes from a story.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Examples of Illustrator's Work

Style and Medium

When I was researching inspiration for different illustration techniques I found a helpful website( that was a wonderful source of many children illustrators. I explored the different materials and styles that each artist uses from collage, paper sculpture, gouache, oil, pastel, watercolor, woodcut, acrylic, cartoon, and 3-D computer to just name a few. It was really neat to see many unique ways to capture a children's story. Each artist had their own since of style and creativity and it was so much fun exploring each of the artist portfolios.

I regret that I was not able to spend more time on drawing this week. I have a HUGE interior design project due, and it has consumed my every waking moment (and quite frankly my sleeping moments too)! However, I plan to work on drawing a lot this week especially over fall break.   

Time Log 6

Monday 10.11.10
2hrs. 30mins.
Researching the different style and medium of children's illustrations.

Total Time:

Monday, September 27, 2010

Having Fun!

I enjoyed working on the Calapitter campfire scene this week. I was able to sit outside by one of my trees in the back yard and imagine where, if I were a calapitter, I would want to roast mashmellow, tell stories, and be warmed by the fire. So I decided to have them sit on a tree root coming from a very unique tree in our backyard. This tree looks like a combo of a cherry blossom and a weeping willow and we call it the cherry willow. This tree also happens to be the tree I am using to sketch their home. I have to look at something when I am drawing for me to really produce a detailed more accurate drawing. I can't wait to add color to the drawing to bring it to life! I am still not sure what colors I want to make each of the Calapitters and I am still experimenting with different ideas.  

This Weeks Progress!


Shmoops in his hammock bed

Staircase in their home

The campfire scene in the story

Time Log 5

Tues. 9.21.10 
Re-reading the story, thinking about different illustration options and sketching them.

Fri. 9.24.10  
Purchasing drawing paper, pencils, and sharpener.

Sat. 9.25.10  
Researching and sketching photographs of inside a tree and spiral stair cases for Shmoops home, sketching the campfire scene.

Sun. 9.26.10   
Experimenting with color for the Calapitter family. Talking with the author about ideas for the characters and different moments she wants captured in the illustration.       

Total Hours: 11hr. 40mins.   

Monday, September 20, 2010

Their home

Shoop-see-poo Lucy-poo (sister)


This week I decided to illustrate the book my mom is currently working on called Shmoop-see-poo the Cal-a-pitter. Its a cute story about a catapiller family who are unique in the sense that they don't turn into butterflies. I thought that this book would be a great one to start with because I can be creative as I want. So for this past week I did a lot of brainstorming about the characters and material I could use to create the illustrations. I am excited about having a direction!

Time Log 4

Date                         Time                     Activity

Thurs. 9/16                30mins                  Selecting a book to illustrate:
                                                              (Shmoop-see-poo the Cal-a-pitter by my mom)
                                        2hrs                      Sketching ideas for the illustration of the
Fri. 9/17                     1hrs 30mins          Talking to the author(my mom) about creating
                                                                     the characters personalities and interests. 
                                     2hrs                      Sketching characters of the story 
Sat. 9/18                    2hrs                      Sketching characters of the story
                                  1hr 30mins            Re-reading the story and brainstorming
                                                                  of different illustrations for the book.
Sun. 9/19                    1hr                       Brainstorming/practicing material
                                                                     usage for illustrations.
Mon 9/20                    1hr                      Posting blog, taking pictures, recording time log.

Total Time:                11hrs 30min                      

Monday, September 13, 2010

Not enough time!

This past week I did not spent nearly enough time on drawing as I wanted! So I hope this coming week will allow me to get more drawing time in, to make up for the lost of this past week. I enjoyed thinking outside of the box for this assignment, and I actually think I spent more time thinking about what I wanted to use and do then I did actually doing it. But now I am look forward to diving into illustration work!

Time Log 3

Date                 Time                   Activity
Wed. 9/8           1hr.                     Brainstorming ideas for the drawing 3 assignment
Thurs. 9/9          30mins.               "                                                                        "
Fri. 9/10             2hrs.                   Creating 3 drawings for assignment 3
Sat. 9/11            2hrs.                   Creating more drawings for assignment 3
Sun. 9/12           2hrs.                    "                                                           "
Mon. 9/13          1hr.                     Posting time log, writing blog, and putting drawings on to a CD

Total Time:       8hrs 30mins.    

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Pooh Sketches 6.9.2010


Struggles and Inspiration

I believe I had artist block this week. I was not sure how to begin illustrating a new Winnie the Pooh bear. So I decided to research classic bear illustrations for inspiration such as Paddington Bear, Little Bear, and Corduroy. It was neat to see how each story used bears as their main characters, but how different each illustrator created the bears. I studied the eyes, noise, snout, and shape of each bear. After researching these bears I began playing with Pooh's features.

Time Log 2

Time Log 2

Date                           Time                              Activity

Sat. 9/4                 1hr. 30mins.               Sketching variations of Pooh

                                 1hr.                            Researching classic bear illustrations

Mon. 9/6             5hrs.                         Sketching variations of Pooh

                               1hr. 30mins.            Drawing "the most boring drawing ever"

                              1hr.                           Posting blog, time log and pictures

Total Time:         10hrs.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Statement of Direction

I have always been fascinated with children’s books. Even now at the age of 21 my favorite part of a bookstore or library is the children’s section. I believe that there is a part of me that still has not grown up and it can be brought to life by flipping through a children’s book. My favorite part of children’s books is the wonderful illustrations that help bring the store to life. I have such fond memories of my mother reading aloud to me while I gazed at the spectacular illustrations.

And now I have been presented with the opportunity to refine my drawing skills in any manner that my heart desires. So I have decided to focus on how to become an extraordinary children’s illustrator.

Through the course of this class I hope to reinvent classic children’s illustrations as well as illustrate a story of my own.

Time Log 1

Week 1

Thurs. 8/19      2 hrs. Begun typing the story of Chester that I would like to
                                 illustrate and started to re-work the story

Week 2

Mon. 8/23     30 mins. Researched online for inspirational images to draw for Chester

                        1 hr. Sketching images for the story of Chester

                        1 hr. Writing the statement of direction

Fri. 8/27        2 hrs. Worked on drawing the 100 bad drawings

                      30 mins. Brainstormed about what makes a drawing bad

Sat. 8/28       2 hrs. Drawing and rendering the original Winnie the Pooh

                      1 hr. Drawing and rendering the modern Winnie the Pooh

                      30 mins. Researching real life bears online

                      1 hr. 30 mins. Sketching out 5 variations of Winnie the Pooh

Sun. 8/29        2 hrs. Finishing the 100 bad drawings

Total Time

Week 1:   2 hrs.

Week 2:   12 hrs.